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Message from the 2018-2020 Board Chair

Greetings from the Enlace Executive Board.

I am deeply humbled to be serving as your Enlace Chairperson for the next two years.

Over the years, Enlace has grown from a small group of 5 to 6 community leaders chatting about collaborating on various initiatives. We now have standardized monthly meetings where approximately 30 to 40 persons representing different organizations are in attendance: a positive indication that we continue to make our mission the number one priority of Enlace. The mission and the goal of Enlace are to develop and strengthen relationships through information, collaboration and partnerships with providers and individuals dedicated to serving the Latino Community.

In July, with the newly elected Board, we had an energized and very productive Board Retreat. Several new projects were planned while some activities will remain the same. Please sign up to receive notification as dates and activities are confirmed. This year, we are expecting and hopeful to engage more youthful and millennial thinking to promote not only the current value of Enlace, but also develop the diversity and equity within Community Leadership and the beyond.

As your Chair, I’m looking forward in continuing the great work past Chairs have laid out as our foundation. My main goal for Enlace is to strengthen the perspectives and commitment to diversity and inclusion by supporting community organizations throughout our network.

I sincerely hope this message has been able to convince you the value of both Enlace and your participation. I encourage you to visit our website regularly and become a member so you may receive the valuable information shared amongst our members including further information regarding Enlace events, programs, and workshops.

Your ideas are always welcomed. Please do not hesitate to contact me, Maura Chavez at

Hope to see you on the 3rd Wednesday of the month!

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